Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I was a woman who was not afraid to get old. I would confidently reveal my true age to whomsoever would wonder and ask. I believed that there was no point of lying about calendar facts. As they say, it's all in the mind.

I am now twenty-nine years old. And next year, I mark my thirtieth year of existence. That is a fact. But lately, I suddenly felt that indeed, I have lived out a major chunk of my life. In assessment, I dont think I have not done much. I have not achieved much. But who's to say he or she had lived life to the fullest and I haven't? Hmmm... Makes sense, doesn't it? But this is kinda creepy, I am arguing with myself, online!...

Facing the mirror, I felt that my face has gone a little weary, it wasnt as vibrant as it used to. It might be just my imagination. Or maybe, gravity has begun being unkind to me hahaha... So does this mean now that I have become part of the target market of cosmetic surgeons??

Ive always thought that looking young is in my genes. My mother looks stunning at 55. I wish I reach that age looking as smashing as she does now.

But that remains to be seen, 30 years or so from now.