Once again, a Happy New Year to all. It took me more than two weeks before I got myself back together from all the holiday revelry. It was a busy Christmas season for me. But it was time well spent. I got to spend quality time with my family. I was off work for almost two weeks. And unfortunately, I also gained a whole lot of weight because of the holiday feasts I was in and out of. What happened to me from the last time I posted? Whew, a lot! I have to gather my thoughts in order to recount them one by one....
I. A Date with Me, Myself and Michelle
I went out on a date, with me, myself and Michelle! I had long planned to go out on my own. I don't know why people who walk around alone, eat out alone or go watch a movie on his own get several darting or pitying glances from others. Maybe because Filipinos usually find themselves in groups. Persons, especially women are not expected to walk around without their girlfriends or male chaperones. Despite this social norm, I braved to break my usual routine and did all three in one occasion! I walked around SM Mall of Asia, did my Christmas shopping and carried all those shopping bags by my lonesome. Hahaha it was so much fun Because I was able to walk at my own pace and no one was with me complaining how fast I walked or that his or her feet are so worn out from moving back and forth! When my feet were about to give up, I decided to watch a movie. That was a week before the Metro Manila Filmfest so they were showing reruns of the popular movies shown during the year. I chose to watch Superman Returns. I entered the moviehouse and I think there were less than 10 people there who was watching the movie! It felt like I had my own home theater. Although my paranoid thoughts that some crazy phony lunatic would sit beside me flashed in my mind once in a while, I enjoyed the movie a lot!
After the movie, I grabbed a bite at a Thai Restaurant called Jatujak, yes, after the humongous flea JJ's market in Bangkok. They had fairly good food. I wanted to try so many dishes but the problem is I was alone! There we go again, the prejudice against single diners, moviegoers, etc. While I was there, one of the owners approached me and asked me how I liked my meal. Maybe he noticed that I barely touched my food. I did like it I said, I justified though, it was too much for one person. He replied back, "kasi dapat nagdala ka ng kasama mo.." (you should have brought someone with you)... Strike 2.
I had a lot of fun that day. I smiled and sang my way as I drove back home....
(one last shot before I left the house on my way to Hazel's wedding)
My friend, Hazel got married on December 30. I wore a lively green tube dress as her candle sponsor. I had Angelo Justin do my makeup. I really think I looked my best that day. During the wedding march, candle sponsors (1 male and 1 female) are to walk side by side. But at that point, my partner has not arrived. I had to walk the aisle alone again, which I gladly welcomed since I was gonna get a solo picture! The groom even joked that he didnt know there were two maids of honor!
III. VENUS IN SPURS - The Secret Female Fear of Commitment
(a snapshot of the book cover)
My best friend, Marie, gave me a New Year present. As she handed it over to me, she apologized that she was giving me a book. She knew how much I hated reading. Yes I am a lawyer who hates books. The book was entitled - Venus in Spurs, The Secret Female Fear of Commitment or Why You Head for the Hills When Love Comes to Town... She said that she jumped upon seeing this book. She knew exactly who to give it to hahaha... I am presently reading it. I'll be making a book review as soon as I finish it. But don't get all excited. I'm warning you now. It will take me some time, in fact a lot of time, before I can finally read through it. It looks promising, though. I can relate with most of the points raised by the author. I am slowly being convinced that a lot of other women experience fear of commitment aside from myself. Whew, and I thought it was a mere figment of my imagination or another one of my silly excuses.
(to be continued)